Corporate Gifts and Awards

Healy Glass Artistry creates beautiful works of art in glass - and we also can create the very best in Glass and Crystal Awards, Sculptures, or gifts for your organization, business or corporate needs.
Visit our Crystal Awards and Recognitions Catalogue for a host of ideas, sizes, and styles.
In addition to any of the items shown on our website and in this catalogue, we have a wide range of other glass and crystal options available for customization. We are happy to assist you in finding the perfect piece for your occasion!
Contact us at to discuss your project.
Have an idea, but not sure how to make it come to life?
Healy Glass Artistry provides full Graphic Design and Artwork Creation services for you.
Design & Custom Artwork Services
We accept all file formats, including: pdf, jpg, tiff, eps, and more. If you are not sure what kind of file you have, just send it to us, and we will be happy to provide you with a quote for the work. If you only have a physical sample, you can send us a clear digital photo to refer to.
We have created custom designs for businesses, for military personnel, weddings, and much more.
Examples include:
Custom decanter sets and glasses for Military personnel with specialized division logos and emblems
Re-creating wedding invitation artwork in beautifully carved glass
Making glassware that follows the theme of a wedding, providing toasting flutes, wedding favors, and more with the design.
Custom Family Crest or Coat of Arms designs, and re-creating them in glass
Creating your family’s own Coat of Arms based on your history and experiences
Cleaning up and clarifying business logos or other designs to make them engraving-ready and saving them in high-quality digital format